
Take a look at our most recent news, articles and business guides, all designed to help with your digital learning journey

Laura Lee Gibbs Laura Lee Gibbs

Why Companies Educating External Audiences Need to Think Like a Product Manager

When you’re educating external audiences— whether that’s partners, customers, or stakeholders — remember to involve more than just delivering content. To truly succeed, your organisation needs to adopt a product mindset, which views your learning programs as products that can deliver measurable value. Adopting this approach ensures the program is competitive, scalable, and aligned with both your user and business needs.

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5 commonly underused LMS features to explore before replacing your platform

When setting out a new digital learning strategy, how often do we start with the assumption that an existing LMS needs to be replaced? What if a series of improvements could also deliver the results we need?

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4 foxy hacks to make your learning budget work harder

In a difficult financial climate, budget limitations and cuts will be very much in the air for L&D. But don’t despair! For those who follow the Way of the Fox there is always opportunity to work smarter and get more bang for the learning buck. In this post we lay out four foxy hacks that can help you get more value for your learners out of a static or even decreasing learning budget.

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3 foxy steps to choosing the right learning system

With over 800 learning managements systems (LMS) and other elearning platforms on the market, choosing the right one can be a nightmare. But taking a smart, structured approach will give you a far greater chance of avoiding the pitfalls and selecting the right digital learning system to meet business and organizational needs. We lay out your key decisions.

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The 5 essential stages of a digital learning transformation

When developing a digital learning transformation strategy, there are so many tools, platforms and new technologies out there it can be difficult to know what your business needs and where to start. Here we look at the building blocks and the transitions you'll go through.

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Learning & Development, HR Laura Lee Gibbs Learning & Development, HR Laura Lee Gibbs

The top 5 ‘trends for 2020’ articles for L&D

If you’re short on time, head straight to the summary for my Top 5 Considerations for L&D in 2020 which distils the insights from these industry experts calling out UX, creating a culture for learning, a focus on human-centred skills, personalisation and upskilling & outsourcing as key themes and poses some essential considerations for your L&D strategy in 2020.

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The challenge is with a plethora of learning platform vendors out there (each with impressively long lists of product features) and so much talk of the LXP vs the LMS, how do you choose?

This explores the key differences between a traditional Learning Management System (LMS) and a Learner Experience Platform (LXP), providing some guiding questions to help you differentiate which you might need. Or whether, in fact, you need both.

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The competitive edge for hospitality brands depends on training staff to deliver a top rate guest experience

Learn Fox worked with HGEM on a project to capture their industry leading hospitality subject matter expertise, to design and create a suite of 12 x e-learning modules focused on empowering staff to deliver a top rate guest experience. These have been developed in partnership with Learning Pool and are now available to both HGEM and Learning Pool hospitality clients.

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How to choose the right Learning Management System (LMS)

So, you’ve identified a need for a learning platform to deploy and track learning, but with hundreds of products out there, from an LMS to an LXP (Learner Experience platform), it can be hard to know where to start. This guide will take you through 10 steps to help define your requirements and choose the right learning platform for your needs.

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Wellbeing, Learning & Development Catherine Elliott Wellbeing, Learning & Development Catherine Elliott

Why ‘sleeping on it’ is such a brain boost for learning & creativity

Sleep can boost your memory and creativity, make you slimmer and more attractive, ward off colds and flu, lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke, protect you from cancer and dementia, extend your life expectancy and make you feel happier, less anxious and depressed – and it’s totally natural, completely free and available to us all (except perhaps for new parents).

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4 ways to build a loyal, committed and engaged team

To ensure that you’re inspiring your staff to be passionate and loyal brand advocates ensure that you’ve attracted the right staff who fit your company culture and values, that you’ve engaged them from day 1 through onboarding, that you’ve invested in their ongoing training and development to retain and nurture your top talent, and that you’re developing your rising stars with the appropriate tools and support to be great leaders.

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Business, Workplace learning, Learning & Development Laura Lee Gibbs Business, Workplace learning, Learning & Development Laura Lee Gibbs

10 ways to develop a culture for learning in the workplace

Have you ever worked somewhere that didn’t invest in their staff and their development? Rubbish isn’t it? Where you and your colleagues felt overstretched, undervalued and your skills weren’t being developed. Where your potential remained untapped and you knew that you could do so much more, not simply for yourself, but to the benefit of the organisation you worked in. It didn’t exactly inspire and motivate, did it?

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Business, Digital learning Laura Lee Gibbs Business, Digital learning Laura Lee Gibbs

The first 2 digital learning projects you should be planning right now

Implement a new learning platform (or replace your old one) and convert your legacy training into engaging up-to-date digital learning. Depending on your learning strategy (which we can help you define) you might want to have a blended approach which adopts a mix of delivery methods most suited to the content (and your staff). Think of it as your learning recipe; some face-to-face classroom type training, a dollop of eLearning content, a handful of synchronous webinars and a spoonful of bite sized videos. Make it tasty and your staff will keep coming back for more and you won’t have to force them to the table.

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Business, GDPR Laura Lee Gibbs Business, GDPR Laura Lee Gibbs

How to train your staff on GDPR

With one month to go until GDPR becomes enforceable (and remember those hefty fines for non-compliance), your organisation is probably nearly ready, but are your staff?

Research suggests that 80% of data security incidents involve staff, so GDPR is more than just a box-ticking exercise, successful compliance could depend on your staff being trained effectively on their data protection responsibilities.

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Get started with your digital learning transformation

Get in touch with us today to book a discovery call and find out how we can help.