
Take a look at our most recent news, articles and business guides, all designed to help with your digital learning journey

4 foxy hacks to make your learning budget work harder

In a difficult financial climate, budget limitations and cuts will be very much in the air for L&D. But don’t despair! For those who follow the Way of the Fox there is always opportunity to work smarter and get more bang for the learning buck. In this post we lay out four foxy hacks that can help you get more value for your learners out of a static or even decreasing learning budget.

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Learning & Development, HR Laura Lee Gibbs Learning & Development, HR Laura Lee Gibbs

The top 5 ‘trends for 2020’ articles for L&D

If you’re short on time, head straight to the summary for my Top 5 Considerations for L&D in 2020 which distils the insights from these industry experts calling out UX, creating a culture for learning, a focus on human-centred skills, personalisation and upskilling & outsourcing as key themes and poses some essential considerations for your L&D strategy in 2020.

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4 ways to build a loyal, committed and engaged team

To ensure that you’re inspiring your staff to be passionate and loyal brand advocates ensure that you’ve attracted the right staff who fit your company culture and values, that you’ve engaged them from day 1 through onboarding, that you’ve invested in their ongoing training and development to retain and nurture your top talent, and that you’re developing your rising stars with the appropriate tools and support to be great leaders.

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